
Do science and the Qur'an say the same thing? || History of the universe and creation.

                                                                                                                                                                              when i got older i heard that scientists found evidence of a big bang, according to this theory the whole universe exploded from a single point in the event of a fiery creation, now that science knows so much about our cosmic origins, what place is there for religious belief, in the beginning i want to know about the islamic creation story so i'm going to cairo islam has deep roots in scie...

The History of the Trojan War

     Today, we'll be covering a fascinating topic.  But before we do that, how would you like to get  a deeper understanding of history, impress your friends, and predict the future more  accurately based on past events? If this sounds like something you might be into, then check  out the brand new Captivating History knowledge open my website so let's start now.  Let's get into the blog I write for your knowledge.  Do you want to have a war that goes down in history? If so, you should definitely look to  the Trojan War for the blueprint. Romance? Check.  Intrigue? Check. Gods and heroes? Double-check.    Plus a whole load of slaughtering to boot. But how much of this is true?    In this video, we will look at the fact vs. fiction of the legendary Trojan War.  Throughout history, the Trojan War has been the subject of storytelling. We know of it from the  works of Homer,...

25 Most Amazing Ancient Ruins of the World

  The world is home to a plethora of fascinating ancient ruins, from crumbling cities to temples  that have withstood the test of time. Many of these ancient societies were incredibly innovative and forward-thinking.  Just take a look at their meticulous city planning and incredible feats of engineering;  some of which we are yet to fully understand. Some of the most captivating ancient ruins are full of thousand-year-old mysteries that  will boggle even the most curious of minds.  Number 25. Ayutthaya. Founded around the year 1350, Ayutthaya is a historical city that began as a Khmer military  and trading post. It wasn’t long before this thriving trading port became the ancient capital of Thailand.  It held onto this title for four centuries until it was burned down by Burmese invaders.  As many of the temples and relics of the city were crafted from wood, the large majority were destroyed.  Only around 50 stone relics and temples survi...

Ancient Mysteries Documentary, The Great Sphinx Holds the Key to Civilizations Bizarre Origins

 A ncient mysteries of the great sphinx of Giza although the first thing that comes to  mind when people think of ancient egypt as the great stone pyramids the massive and mysterious sphinx follows close  behind this enigmatic structure has confounded historians and researchers for millennia and unexplained mysteries  still surround it did it have a lion's head are there fabled chambers beneath  how many thousands of years old is it the sphinx of giza allows people to peer  into the far past to wonder and marvel at the ancient building techniques and to question who or what first brought up  its unique form within its giant stone and stony expression  many hope that more secrets will be revealed what is its true purpose and how does it  relate to the nearby pyramids of giza it has been studied and researched many  times various experts all claim to know the truth but out there in the blowing  sand of the egyptian wastes near cairo a...