Do science and the Qur'an say the same thing? || History of the universe and creation.


                                                                                                                                                                    when i got older i heard that scientists found evidence of a big bang, according to this theory the whole universe exploded from a single point in the event of a fiery creation, now that science knows so much about our cosmic origins, what place is there for religious belief, in the beginning i want to know about the islamic creation story so i'm going to cairo islam has deep roots in science muslim astronomers mapped the sky soon after the time of muhammad they talked to me about the islamic concept of creation in islam the beginning of the story starts with this massive cloud of smoke from which the sky and earth are pulled out from inside the smoke and then the earth is formed into what it looks like before the beings are created which is interesting which is right in islam a very cosmic moment of creation next to the scientific view of the formation of the earth these agnostic people who deny the existence of god can see in others, Allah expects them to see that they will be able to see to witness that the heavens and the earth were joined as one unit of the creation of the attack and divided the messenger with whom he speaks, with whom he addresses the kafir, which kafir Badwins 1400 years ago no what can the poor understand what did he know about the universe about the creation of the heavens and the earth what did he know he accepted all that was said if it was allah what we hear and accept we believe it was the iman they had they had no understanding allah he is not addressing the unbelievers of the time of Muhammad or the unbelievers in the Congo or among the Eskimos who may not believe in god no no no no no he is talking to the men of science who are now explaining to the world the theory of creation that these astronomers with powerful telescopes look into the universe and analyze that the movements of in the heavens, such a person with his great warning says that this universe came into being with a big bang billions of years ago, because he watches the universe and notices that these heavenly bodies are moving away from some central place, everything goes out in all directions, it goes away like a balloon, when you blow it gets bigger and something like this happens in the sky in the sky these galaxies they are receding from us they have faster and higher speed at higher and higher speed so they say this universe was created by the big bang The big bang theory which says that the most learned scientific astronomers say where do you get these funny ideas from this fairy tale about the big bang so no no no no it's not a fairy tale these are facts provable facts we can demonstrate it show you what's going on and we can conclude from that if we had a movie and put it in reverse, to see what's going on, everything is coming back again as it flies out of the balloon, if you can blow it up, you'll see that everything comes back to one central point, and they were the big bang when you discovered it, he said yesterday, because 50 years is yesterday a man in history what is 50 years nothing like the chosen man in the desert a man who could not read or write a man who could not sign his own name he could not know this question he says no never impossible a man does not know how astronomy he has no instruments he has no telescope nothing in the desert and among people only electric people and now he tells me who this man in the desert 1400 years ago new biologist people who study microplotism of life in manuka amoeba he says you know the origin of life in sea water without this water no life and they say you that we look back in time in the universe, this is what life looks like, there was a time when this earth was a molten mass, nothing could survive here, everything boils and boils and for billions of years you know vapors rose and fell and vapors rose and they came down and started to cool this earth, it took millions of years and then life started germ plant life and all these things started suddenly there was nothing and then it started where did life come from says from the sea some chemical action the sun plays its part and life started from there, when did you find out yesterday because 50 years is yesterday in the history of man and an illiterate man in the desert could not know that he says no never listen [Applause] who you scientific people teaching you kafir you atheist agnostic why can't you believe then of course there is the famous aya about the heavens and the earth which is the arabic term for the universe of the heavens and the earth the word in arabic means something that is fused and inseparable the word fused and inseparable was used when a mother carries a child because mother and child are inseparable and when she gives birth it was used the other's word, the time she started the party literally her body splits and she says goodbye to her child so aya says that the heavens and the earth used to be fused and inseparable and then we caused them to fall apart meaning that in the beginning there was the universe, in the original in its original form there was a fused unified body some kind of matter and then it became and expanded and then the words used later on it spreads far and wide so it's close to very close to interestingly close to the big bang theory uh that Allah describes the beginning of the heavens as if that's not enough look at the NASA frontier project right now they're looking for a sign of life on Mars they're spending about a billion dollars uh 600 billion dollars to go over one trillion dollars what they're looking for a sign of life they are looking for emails furniture you know they are looking for water because if you find water you will find life the same verse in surah al-anbiya chapter 21 which told us how the universe came into being tells us what is the source of life the universe its continuation and out of four we created every living thing how could prophet mohammed know and as if that wasn't enough go to surat fusilla chapter 41 scientists would tell you that a massive explosion of stars and plants didn't come out that it was in a state of smoke a huge light years of the region of smoke and then it became so intense in it that the stars were born and the planets were born and then Allah settled in the heavens when it was in a state of smoke and said to her and the earth come, they said we come willingly as he would someone imagine you know that the hills and camels and the planet were smoke but if it is then the creator of the heavens and the earth and it is revealed to the prophet Muhammad then no and then only recently scientists found out that the big bang is still going on that explosion the edges of the universe are st


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