There is no period as sophisticated and  contradicting itself in history as a Victorian era they advocated living aproper and prosperous life but were fascinated with the Grim reality ofdeath the women were supposed to be modest while men sold their wives in the market to divorce them they  considered makeup tacky but painted their face with arsenic products to look Pasty despite being a recent era of history there are so many layers to this time period just like crinoline skirts that every now and then knew shocking information about victorians on Earth's itself why do women's underwear have no crotch how arethey fine with consuming harmful chemicals knowingly and what in the name of her majesty Queen  Victoria was the great stink welcome to nutty history and today let's visit some disturbing discoveries about the Victorian era viewer discretion is advised for this blog as some of this blog may be offensive or disturbing we the makers of this blog in no way support or condone the actions of the subjects feature adulteration could blend in and go unnoticeable but contamination is awhole other story of food and water pollution yet somehow victorians didn't care much about it despite the  fact thatthey call the cholera outbreak of 1858 the great stink renowned for the invention of the electric motor  famed scientist Michael Faraday was concerned with the River Thames become an assessed pool of all kinds of waste ranging from the industrial household untreated sewage and other waste ending up in the river water moreover the new sensation of flushable toilets only added more pollution to the misery of the river as there was no repository for sewage Faraday described the River Thames in his observation as the river of an opaque pale Brown fluid that's just nasty in every way you can imagine uh as a summer of 1858 turned out to be an awfully hot one the heat wave not only fermented the waste in the river but also carried the stench to the city the stench was so bad that the newspapercalled it Unforgettable yet people would be lucky to live and remember it theGrim description was a result of the cholera outbreak that soon followed the big stink and claimed almost 15 000 lives if not more it was presumed to be a consequence of the stench cholera wasalready widespread in London as the city had seen three outbreaks before 1858 that occurred between 1831  and 1854 and claimed thousands of lives during thelast outbreak Dr Jon Snow no no not that Jon Snow this Dr Jon Snow had already been working on the suspicion that the disease was spreading due tocontaminated water however the committee assigned to investigate the disease paid no attention to his findings but after the big stink happened the parliament was forced to listen to Dr Jon Snow in Robert cook and the new sewer was ordered to be constructed away from the River Thames foreign do you really know what's in your foodthanks to the laws these days we get to know what our food contains in a listprinted on the packaging still there's a degree of trust about it that the foodmanufacturer isn't hiding anything  fromus victorians on the other hand didn't have ingredients listed on  packaging but they were not shy about  openly poisoning their food either everybody was doing it as industrialization drew the population towards big cities like London basic Staples like bread began to be produced cheaply to meet the rise in demand of the growing number of City dwellers Victorian manufacturers also saw this as an opportunity to maximize profit by compromising the quality of the bread by using cheaper substitutes that would bulk up the bread without costing muchthey adulterated the bread with bean flour plaster of Paris chalk and toxic Alum three of those four things  are not even edible Alum is an aluminum base compound that is used in detergent products these days but back then It Made bread heavier and whiter than it was thanks to such ill practice adulteration malnutrition and stomach problems such as constipation and chronic diarrhea became common in London slums giving new Wings to themortality rate of the city causing the deaths of thousands of consumers Traders were also selling rotten  meat dressed with a fat of fresh meat and adding arsenic to pickles and other preserved Foods so they may taste Tangier hmmrotten meat oh the irony is that manufacturers want the only adulterers skimming the consumers  average British households themselves wereadding toxic substances to their diet because of urban myths and misbeliefs in 1882 in a shocking Revelation it was found thatalmost one in every five households of England were mixing brassic acid to their food blindly believing that  the mostly harmless substance would purify the milk pasteurization wasn't invented and electricity wasn't common yet so it was common that milk would go sour in households quite quickly according to Mrs Beaton a famed journalist editor and writer adding a spoonful or two of brassic acid to milk was the solution to remove the sour taste and smell of bad milk but she was horrendously wrong even taken in small amounts it can cause nausea vomiting abdominal pain and diarrhea but worse it contains bovine TB that could damage organs and the bones of the spine thanks to Mrs beaton's advice around a half million of the English population didn't grow up foreign we have two wonderful things today that we can thank the Victorian era for electricity and toilets with modernplumbing it is rumored that when  Queen Victoria used a flushing toilet for the first time it scared the Living Daylights out of her however the flushing toilets didn't become a victim of her royal Authority and spread all across London quite rapidly however Queen Victoria's fear of the flush wasn't misplaced as early flushing toilets often did go out with a boom the cause of exploding lavatories during theVictorian era was the human waste built up in sewers emanating flammable gasessuch as methane and hydrogen  sulfide that were perhaps leaking back into thehomes as electricity wasn't commonly used to be installed in the privy people had to take candles in  their washroom methane seeping from the toilet would make contact with the ignited flame and Kaboom good Heavens I'm glad they sorted that out and we don't have exploding toilets anymore well except when I eat aTaco Bell but that's a different  storyelectricity itself was not a very  safe technology when it arrived in the Victorian era electric currents are not a thing to play with and people had verylittle idea of how it worked so electric companies had to issue warnings to letpeople know what not to do  with electrical appliances and sockets so obviously people obliged and  learn touse electricity safely not to error is too human and when it comes to electricity Victorian people would precisely do  what was not asked of them consumers would run multiple appliances from the same socket and try to DIY fix the appliances themselves often without turning them off and tampering with uninsulated wires the newspapers of the Victorian era always had a lot of reports of people electrocutingthemselves then there was also the caseof  generally unsafe electric  appliances such as a bizarre electric tableclothwith a plug for table lamp that  only needed a small spillage of water to go boom an early refrigerator designs were extremely flawed with toxic ammonia leaking from them victorians also built electric grips for horses and care electric rods in their hats and umbrellas and let's just not talk about how they tried to harness electricity from deceased cats no era in history is so well defined andrenowned for its fashion as a Victorian era the Victorian era was an elaboratedisplay of class wealth  Beauty and purpose for women and men nearly every layer of their attire was Impractical and sometimes uncomfortable but darn ifthey weren't always beautifully fashionable the crinoline period that was popular for two  decades between 1850and 1870 is known today for as the name suggests crinoline skirts these skirts had increasingly ornate layers that were thrown over a large wooden hoop and when compiled together they created massive outfits that women would hardly dare to try these days for their daily use obviously crinoline skirts were extremely hazardous it was like walking in a sumo suit but only the bottom half of it not only did ladies often get themselves stuck in the door but when  you live in an era where electricity was a rare phenomenon walking in crinoline skirts among candles was just asking to be set on fire a satirical magazine of the era called punch advise husbands to register their wives at the fire insurance office the lack of safety forced crinoline skirts on a fashion of eventually but what women wore underneath them would be considered downright shocking even today butsomehow for the prude victorians it was completely normal for Underpants women wore long pairs of bloomers  that reach from waist to ankles but despite being called Underpants they didn't cover their private parts these Bloomers weremade to cover only legs and the rest was in the cold wind today people wear crotchless underwear for let's  just saysurprising their lovers but back then there was a reasonable logic behind them obviously it wasn't easy to  take off wooden frames of crinolines in the small claustrophobic privy so the ladies needed the means to use washroomswithout taking them off and that  is where crotchless Underpants made sense however despite easy access to the washroom and airflow there was one little problem with these Bloomers that time of the month these ladies were wearing an almost infinite number of layers and a crotchless Bloomer but sanitary pads or towels hadn't been invented yet the result fault was them getting blood all over their bloomers and inner layers historians believe that many of them use a baby's nappy held in place by a belt or sticking sheep's wool inside like tampons using lard to avoid a mess to be fair before we Deep dive too much this is the perfect place to end this blog tell us what you think about victorians era                                                                                                                                          WRITTEN BY.............SYED HASNAIN AHMAD SHERAZI


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